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MCQ in General Education Part 13 | Licensure Exam for Teachers

MCQ in General Education Part 13 | Licensure Exam for Teachers

This is the Multiple Choice Questions in General Education part 13 as one coverage of Licensure Examinations for Teachers (LET). The exam is divided into two classifications. First is the elementary level exam which covers topics from General Education (GenEd) 40% and Professional Education (ProfEd) 60%. Secondly is the secondary level which covers GenEd 20%, ProfEd 40% and area of specialization 40%. I assume you are looking for a reviewer that will help you achieve your goal to become a professional License teacher very soon. Yes, you are in the right place to make your dream come true. Make sure to familiarize each and every questions to increase the chance of passing the Licensure Examinations for Teachers (LET).

GENERAL EDUCATION (Elementary and Secondary) Coverage

  • ENGLISH (Study and Thinking Skills, Writing in the Discipline, Speech and Oral Communication ,Philippine Literature, Master Works of the World)
  • FILIPINO (Komunikasyon sa Akademikong Filipino, Pagbasa at Pagsulat tungo sa Pananaliksik, Masining na Pagpapahayag)
  • MATHEMATICS (Fundamentals of Math, Plane Geometry, Elementary Algebra, Statistics and Probability)
  • SCIENCE (Biological Science -General Biology; Physical Science- with Earth Science)
  • SOCIAL SCIENCES (Philippine Government New Constitution with Human Rights; Philippine History; Basic Economics, Taxation, Agrarian Reform; Society, Culture with Family Planning; Rizal and Other Heroes; Philosophy of Man; Arts; General Psychology; Information and Communication Technology)

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MCQ in General Education Part 12 | Licensure Exam for Teachers

Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions.

601. The government wants a piece of private land for a government project. The owner resisted the government demand. How may the government own the land?

a. Right of eminent domain

b. Right of government ownership

c. Right of habeas corpus

d. Right of a sovereign over the governed

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Answer: Option A


602. Rabies comes from dog and other bites. How could this be prevented?

a. Tie the dogs at all times

b. Have the dog vaccinated with anti-rabies

c. Keep the dogs in cage

d. Kill the dog that bites

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Answer: Option B


603. At XYZ Preschool, Rochelle holds a position senior to Ruthe, and Kai holds a junior post to Ruthe. Who holds the junior-most position?

a. Kai

b. Ruthe

c. Rochell

d. None of them

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Answer: Option A


604. A father was misunderstood by his teenage boy because:

a. The father abhorred and mistook modernization as being fresh

b. The father imposed on his values on courting and marriage

c. The father did not understand the teenage values on dating

d. The father could not tolerate a live-in arrangement of his son

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Answer: Option B


605. The death of the kidnapped victims by the terrorists was considered:

a. A deviation from protocol

b. A revenge for atrocities of civilians

c. A neglect of priorities

d. An affront to the leadership

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Answer: Option C


606. With the Cold War in mind, which does not belong?

a. Dialogue

b. Competition

c. Tension

d. Conflict

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Answer: Option A


607. Drug addiction, neurosex, and other psychological illness are indicators of ______.

a. Progress in medical science

b. Inner peacelessness

c. Fast pace industrialization

d. Rapid modernization in society

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Answer: Option B


608. Which body of the United Nations has peace among as its major responsibility?

a. Trusteeship Council

b. Security Council

c. General Assembly

d. International Court of Justice

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Answer: Option B


609. What do we have in common with the beasts?

a. Our intelligence

b. Our material body

c. Our manner of survival

d. Our freedom

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Answer: Option C


610. “Be honest even if others are not. Be honest even if others cannot.” What does this statement imply?

a. Honesty does not pay

b. Honesty remains a value even if nobody values it

c. Filipinos seem not to value honesty anymore

d. Honestly is truly a value only if people possess and live by it

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Answer: Option B


611. Values that are essential must be preferred over those that are accidental? Which illustrate this? We prefer _______.

a. Money over sense of fulfillment

b. Beauty over achievement

c. Health over beauty

d. Pleasure over money

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Answer: Option C


612. It is either one of ours or one of yours. It is not one of ours. Therefore, ________.

a. it is not one of yours

b. it is one of ours

c. it is one of yours

d. it is not one of ours

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Answer: Option C


613. Honey is extracted from bees. To ensure a supply of honey for food and medicine, what has been resorted to lately?

a. Culture honey bees for propagation

b. Encourage bee farm in chosen areas

c. Gather honey from the forest

d. Discourage the use of pesticides in honey farm

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Answer: Option A


614. Which is the greatest value according o the teachings of Karl Marx?

a. Absolute equality

b. Health

c. Pleasure

d. Elimination of selfish desires

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Answer: Option A


615. Which expresses a polynomial in the following?

a. 2x+4x-3

b. xy-x-6

c. x-x+9-3x+10x

d. x-4x+2x-x+2

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Answer: Option B


616. Jonas can build a wall in 6 days. Rey had worked on the wall for three days alone before Jonas joined him. Together, they have completed the wall in three more days. How long will it take Rey to build the wall alone?

a. 10 days

b. 12 days

c. 16 days

d. 18 days

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Answer: Option B


617. Why is it that Filipino Overseas Workers are considered modern time heroes?

a. They became broad minded, skilled and economically stable individuals

b. They sacrifice all, for their family and the economy, just to improve their quality of life

c. They have stabilized Philippine economy

d. They come home ready to prepare a feast for their town mates and friends

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Answer: Option B


618. The volume of a gas is inversely proportional to its pressure. When the pressure is 30 cm of mercury, the volume is 600 cubic cm. Find the pressure when the volume is 259 cm.

a. 28 cm of mercury

b. 12.5 cm of mercury

c. 69.5 cm of mercury

d. 65 cm of mercury

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Answer: Option C


619. Voting is a privilege in a democracy. Those who are deprived of their votes are normally:

a. Franchised

b. Exiled

c. Disenfranchised

d. Execute

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Answer: Option C


620. How do countries register dislike or disagreement of another country’s discussion through diplomatic means?

a. Recall all its nations

b. File a diplomatic protest

c. Declare war immediately

d. Retaliate by arresting nationals of other country

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Answer: Option B


621. How did recipient of operation title transfer react to taxation?

a. They wanted the landlords to pay taxes

b. Assessment of transfer titles are recognized by local offices

c. Cooperatives do not explain the tenants role on taxation

d. Paying taxes was obviously not the land owners concern

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Answer: Option D


622. Without limiting the rights of parents to rear their children, the constitution provides compulsory Elementary Education for:

a. All children of school age

b. All children of pre-school age

c. All physically able individuals

d. Adult citizens and out-of-school youth

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Answer: Option A


623. Which of the following causes the seasons?

a. The rotation of the sun around the earth

b. The distance of the earth from the sun

c. The rotation of the earth around the sun

d. The tilting of the earth on its axis

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Answer: Option D


624. Which of the following statements best explains why copper is the metal most widely used in electrical wiring?

a. It is cheaper than aluminum

b. It has high resistance to electricity

c. It is best conductor of electricity

d. It is better conductor than aluminum and cheaper than silver

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Answer: Option D


625. Parents are worried about student’s interest in the internet. In order to safeguard their children, they must:

a. Check on learners interest while surfing

b. Allow internet only after classes

c. Supervise internet use with parent’s consent

d. Allow students use of internet instead of using library books

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Answer: Option C


626. Families of OFW meet a lot of conflict. How does the government address this?

a. Increase insurance benefits

b. Encourage more opportunities for OFW

c. Provide scholarship for husband left behind to study

d. Creation of skills development centers for OFW

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Answer: Option D


627. How does the Department of Science and Technology assure quality science teaching in secondary schools?

a. Open up science high school in every province

b. Maintain a scholarship grant for deserving science and mathematics teachers

c. Share researches and distributes equipment to schools

d. Carry one science fair every year

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Answer: Option C


628. Which illustrates the spirit of non-violence?

a. The move towards a gun-less society

b. The act to submit oneself to the will of the one with powers

c. The use of strike as a bargaining power

d. The act to be quiet to preserve peace

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Answer: Option A


629. The report from Congress registered rejection of the proposed bill. This means _____.

a. Some changed parties

b. The majority failed to get the group support

c. Some proved their lack of cooperation

d. Some favored the leadership

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Answer: Option B


630. A young girl left her baby at the household of a monastery. The child grew up without knowing her mother and father. What right is deprived of the child?

a. Right to assert individuality

b. Right to freedom of choice

c. Right to quality education

d. Right to life

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Answer: Option A


631. What is the social scientist’s explanation of the relationship of a leader of history?

a. Leaders are a product of their times

b. History is a reflection of great leaders

c. Every great movement is the lengthened shadow of a great man

d. Had any great leader been different than he was

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Answer: Option B


632. Army men who are rescued from insurgent kidnap undergo medical check-up. Why is this done?

a. To protect the prisoner from further harassment

b. To determine the physical and mental state of the army man

c. To avoid relapses from illness while in hiding

d. To determine the loyalty of this army man

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Answer: Option B


633. The reporter was accused in court because of his story. The story was ______.

a. A tainted with malice

b. Full of distorted facts

c. A narration of facts

d. To personal to take

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Answer: Option B


634. The menace of drugs has affected the Philippines economy greatly. Which of these drugs is the most destructive to one’s brain?

a. Opium

b. Marijuana

c. Methyl salicilate

d. Shabu

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Answer: Option D


635. Miss Vanessa has many children. Her husband decided to send them to Manila and seek jobs. The eldest child is only 16 years old. What right is violated by the father?

a. Right of family to family living wage

b. Right of the children to assistance, proper care and attention

c. Right to education

d. Right of the children to work and exploitation

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Answer: Option B


636. A prisoner was made to confess of his guilt. A lawyer of the respondent was present in the confession. What was violated?

a. The confession was without due consultant

b. The prisoner was approached properly

c. The prisoner should have a lawyer of his choice

d. The choice of the lawyer was made by the accuser

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Answer: Option B


637. The hostage victims were heard asking the rescuers to hold on to the fort. What was the message?

a. Disregard the peace negotiation

b. Rescues them fast and early

c. Surrender in arms

d. Keep on with the fight

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Answer: Option D


638. When do doctors declare dengue fever as an epidemic?

a. When everyone is suffering from a cold

b. When two are hospitalized from the neighborhood

c. When the proportion of patients reach at least 15% of the population

d. When every household of fine houses are sick with high fever

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Answer: Option C


639. Form a sentence from these words.
1. The senator
2. As a legislator
3. Although he raised his voice
4. Accepted several amendments Which is the best arrangement?

a. 2, 1, 4, 3

b. 4, 3, 2, 1

c. 1, 2, 3, 4

d. 2, 1, 3, 4

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Answer: Option A


640. A swimming contest is held in a four lane swimming pool of 50 meters long. The contest is for the 200 meters. How many times will each swimmer run in this contest?

a. 10 times

b. 16 times

c. 5 times

d. 4 times

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Answer: Option D


641. There are many cases of abuse on Filipino overseas contract workers. Where can these workers seek justice and redress?

a. International Court of Justice

b. DOJ and Foreign Affairs Consulate Office in the Foreign country

c. Department of Labor and Employment

d. Philippine Supreme Court

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Answer: Option B


642. Quality of education they say is:

a. Every citizen’s accounting task

b. Every parents and teachers’ responsible task

c. Everyone’s responsibility

d. Everybody’s concern at times

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Answer: Option B


643. Only 681 examinees passed in the Licensure Exam for Teachers out of 2550 examinees. What is the passing percentage?

a. 26%

b. 26.7%

c. 26.8%

d. 26.5%

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Answer: Option B


644. To assure healthy banking industry, the Bangko Central has encouraged:

a. Bank tie up with foreign banks

b. Bank Merger

c. Bank Closure and Declared bankruptcy

d. Selling of Stocks to interested buyers

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Answer: Option D


645. The Department of Agriculture noted that only 1/3 of the palay produced are used to advantage. What measure was adapted to save observed harvest wastage?

a. Rice miling process

b. Palay Exchange and Marketing

c. Palay-drying and storage

d. Rice Transplanting method

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Answer: Option B


646. In order to avoid unnecessary stress in the ARMM election, what measure was undertaken lately by the government?

a. Maintained a status quo on personnel

b. Allowed a reorganization of the structure

c. Postponed the election to a later date

d. Started a motion for recall with the COMELEC

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Answer: Option C


647. When +3 is added to -5, the answer is ______.

a. -15

b. -2

c. -8

d. +2

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Answer: Option B


648. Children in upland places are found affected by enlarged goiter. Which of this situation may be done for this group of children?

a. Add iodized salt to diet

b. Add iron to diet

c. Expose the children to ultraviolet rays

d. Add iodine drops to diet

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Answer: Option A


649. A suit sold for PHP 6,800 while marked at PHP8, 000. What is the rate of discount?

a. 12%

b. 17%


d. 20%

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Answer: Option C


650. The Bible goes for parallelism. It says “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”. This means _________.

a. Poorness in spirit is not a way to hell

b. Heaven is not only for the rich but also for the poor man

c. Poor spirit can be open gate to heaven

d. The poor can become rich

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Answer: Option A


MCQ in General Education Part 14 | Licensure Exam for Teachers

Questions and Answers in General Education

Following is the list of practice exam test questions in this brand new series:

MCQ in General Education | LET
PART 1: MCQ from Number 1 – 50                Answer key: included
PART 2: MCQ from Number 51 – 100            Answer key: included
PART 3: MCQ from Number 101 – 150           Answer key: included
PART 4: MCQ from Number 151 – 200           Answer key: included
PART 5: MCQ from Number 201 – 250           Answer key: included
PART 6: MCQ from Number 251 – 300           Answer key: included
PART 7: MCQ from Number 301 – 350           Answer key: included
PART 8: MCQ from Number 351 – 400            Answer key: included
PART 9: MCQ from Number 401 – 450            Answer key: included
PART 10: MCQ from Number 451 – 500          Answer key: included
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